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Monday August 20, 2012

Today’s Blessing

I am grateful that we had a quiet day today. No appointments. No errands to run. No big chores outstanding. I was able to use the day to get lots of little things crossed off my To Do list, and take the day at my own pace.

Hospital bag getting packed

Today’s Good Deed

I discovered today that you can send expired coupons to military families overseas to help them buy the things they need. I had no idea about this! My husband is a big couponer, but of course there are always some that expire before we can use them. Not to mention all the coupons that we don’t even clip because we don’t use those particular products. From now on I plan to collect all the unwanted and expired coupons each week and send them off to a military family overseas. In the meantime, my good deed for today was to share this information with all my friends on Facebook. It’s such an easy and simple thing to do, I hope some of them will decide to participate as well.

Find out more here and here.